amid the noise and haste
amid the noise and haste
For the last few years, I have been building small temporary sculptures in the great outdoors. These reactive sculptures are based on the environments that I place myself within, and are made with the materials at hand. The sculptures also relate to the body and its fragility. The longevity of these sculptures is related to the construction and materials used to build them, as well as external forces. In much the same way that body survives in its lifetime, these small sculptures play with the tenuous balance between life and death.
Working with a variety of processes within photography, including traditional analog methods, hand built cameras, and digital and new media, I am interested in how the image functions in the ever changing climate of the medium. My images are made slowly and deliberately through involved and methodic processes.
Over the last year, I have spent a significant amount of time visiting loved ones lying in intensive care beds in various hospitals. During my time visiting each of them, I began to think about the tight grip we as humans have on staying alive, the fragility of live, and the mortal precipice of which we are constantly toes the edge. As human beings, we are susceptible to a variety of situations that my push us over that edge.